
Monday, May 7, 2007

Remains of Six Infants Found in Japan

A woman in Japan told the landlord of the building she was moving out of that she had "left some stuff there" for him "to get rid of." He sent in a cleaning crew, expecting the usual discarded household items. What they found instead was the plastic-wrapped remains of six infants.

According to a police source, "[S]ome of the bones had started to go brown with age. At first glance, the bones looked like they belonged to animals."

The 58-year-old woman said that she had given birth to all of the children, and that the last one was born about 12 years ago. Police say that it's likely the statute of limitations has run out, so they will be unable to prosecute her.

One of her friends says, "She's been known for years for living it up and wasting her money... I guess she's given birth to the kids but let them die because she couldn't afford to bring them up. But, being a mother, she still wanted her children near here, so she carried the bodies from place to place wherever she went." (Mainichi Daily News)

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